My fellow crystal enthusiasts told me that when it comes to crystals, you must choose the one that attracts you the most because if that crystal is the one who is calling out to you, then that is most likely what you actually need at this moment. To most of my followers and friends, I have been known as "the lady who loves crystals" for I have been regularly posting about healing crystals for nearly 2 years now in my Facebook and Instagram. In this blog post, I will be featuring SOME of the crystals that I became fond of wearing when I was pregnant last year (the time when I started expanding my crystal collection). How did my crystal journey start? One day, I was instantly attracted to the photo of a beautiful rose quartz charm bracelet that I have stumbled upon online. For some reasons unknown, I was attracted to it more than I was with the other crystal charms made of different stones that was posted on the same site as well. Honestly, the color of the rose quartz is not my favorite either but it was love at first sight! Since I was never the type who splurge an expensive amount for a piece of jewelry right away, I slept on it for a month! (As they say, to avoid impulse buying, sleep on it and just in case you can't forget about it, go back for it and buy it. If it's still there, it's yours; if not, better luck next time! Haha! I even read more about the metaphysical properties of rose quartz just to justify the price that I will be paying for for that charm bracelet before going for it. Long story short, I bought it and that is only just the beginning. Last October 2015, I purchased my very first charm crystal bracelet which was made of rose quartz and amethyst. The seller said that this promotes love, peace, and harmony to quiet the mind and to enhance the love within so we can be more loving to the people around us which in turn will bring more luck (positive thoughts become positive things as per The Law of Attraction!). She said that it's suitable for those who are always stressed, irritable, and not-so-patient individuals! Haha! Unfortunately, I couldn't find the online shop where I got this from anymore... anyway.... I wasn't really the type of person who believes in such esoteric stuff before but I was so attracted to this that I bought it even if it was priced somewhere around Php 2,200. For me that was expensive but well I was curious and during that time, I didn't know any other sellers so there you go. When I got it, I was so mesmerized, I wore it everyday. And it may be hard to believe for some BUT it has this certain soft, soothing, and light energy that really calmed me down. My friends know that I am generally a nice person but I get sooooo sarcastic and mean when provoked. I know, I knoooooow right? Wearing this bracelet somehow affected my energy and I started to calm down better! For those who are curious, this is the metaphysical properties of rose quartz and amethyst according to, and Lowering stress and tension in the heart, Rose Quartz clears out anger, jealousy, and resentment of others, and allows healing of heart issues and dis-ease associated with holding on to such negative emotions. Known as a romance stone,Rose Quartz can be used to attract love. The fair and lovely Rose Quartz, with its gentle pink essence, is a stone of the heart, a Crystal of Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. Amethyst has healing powers to help with physical ailments, emotional issues, and in Energy Healing and Chakra balancing. Amethyst crystal therapies are primarily associated with physical ailments of the nervous system, the curing of nightmares and insomnia, and balancing the crown chakra. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work. It is not only a psychic protection stone, but is also used to protect one from thieves, and to protects travelers. Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past. For a few months, I only had one crystal charm bracelet but my collection has started to grow when I became pregnant with my daughter. For some reasons I became more and more attracted to not just rose quartz and amethyst, but different crystals as well! I fell in-love with moonstones, jade, agates, etc. As time goes by, my husband became influenced by my love for crystals as well although he is not as much of a crystal enthusiast as I am, he now believes that crystals really have meanings and energy. The first charm bracelet that I gave to him is made of red carnelian agate. According to Carnelian is said to attract prosperity, new resources and good luck. It is a talisman for success in any money-making venture. In the workplace, it is a crystal of ambition, drive and determination, and wards off undue pressures of co-workers or impersonal corporations with unrealistic expectations. Orange and Red Carnelian are important crystals to use for love, and for the consummation of love. Orange crystals, in particular, are fertility and potency symbols and are linked with conceiving a child. Carnelian of either color may help in rekindling passions that might have faded in an otherwise loving relationship The first time that I saw this red carnelian agate bracelet, I was amazed! But when I wore it, it felt so heavy, it's like it made me weak and sleepy. I remember having a good night sleep that night. The next day, after a full 8 hours of sleep, I felt rejuvenated and energized! I asked the seller, @charmsforluck in Instagram, who gave this to me why I felt that way and she told me that agates usually retain one's energy but maybe since I was tired when I wore it, the energy of this crystal made me sleepy so I can finally rest and regain my strength. Take note, I was pregnant when I received this so yes I agree, I needed A LOT of rest! Up to this day, whenever I wear this bracelet, it makes me feel more energized and motivated to finish all my chores. The downside is that since it enhances my energy, my feistiness, if there is such a word, is being enhanced as well! So when provoked, I easily become annoyed and snaps back harshly at times. That's the reason why I do not wear this bracelet often. Hehe! I wear it only when I have certain tasks that I must do! Pregnancy made me look a li'l bit more bloated, gaining weight, swelling face and legs, you name it so I bought myself a jade roller! I love the feeling whenever I use this especially when it's cold. Some people that I et for the first time while I was preggo told me that if they hadn't look at my stomach, they wouldn't know that I was expecting! So maybe, massaging the jade roller on my face everyday at the time helped in keeping the preggy facial swelling at bay. Hehe! According to “Just as exercise can tone your body, the jade roller can tone your face,” she explains of its ability to clear fluid, boost circulation, improve elasticity, and promote cell turnover for a brighter, healthier look. As my pregnancy progressed last year, so did my hobby of collecting healing crystals. It started with wearing crystal jewelry because it was easier to bring them that way, çause y'know, you can just wear it, that's it! My bracelet in the photo above (right) is made of corals. Corals is believed to help in having healthy pregnancy, to heal problems with the ovaries and fallopian tubes, and to stimulates ovulation. Red coral helps with child birth and helps the parents bond with the baby. It enhances the mother - daughter relationship. It attracts love and prosperity, particularly red coral, which is a stone of passion. Creativity and optimism are also qualities that coral brings out. Emotionally, coral brings inner peace, strength, and understanding of purpose. . On the other hand, my husband's prosperity bracelet here (left), is made of Tiger's Eye, Citrine, Clear Quartz, and other crystals that attract money and prevent bad luck and evil intentions from others. It also has a carved mantra, ohm mani padme hum, to give him blessing and protection. . When I wore this combination, they aggravated my natural feistiness even more! I am naturally an outspoken feminist who is not afraid to speak her mind as long as the truth is being told. In short, I feel like, they enhance my being "matapang and mataray" when needed, haha! Red carnelian agates are believed to be a stone of creativity, individuality, and courage; so that must be it. Coral symbolizes life and blood force energy, it is also believed to be a protective amulet for expectant moms and babies. Citrine magnifies personal power and brings the energies of one's self, generosity, prosperity, and abundance. Because of that, I don't wear them all together anymore at once. Too much strong, fiery, and passionate energy! Haha! Of course, it depends on the individual what crystals or combination feels right for them. Last year as I was nearing my due date, I got these charm crystal bracelets as a gift! The smaller one on the left is for my baby, for anti-usog or what we call protection against "psychic vampires"in English translation. For me, it was red corals with magnesites dyed blue. According to Magnesite is a white, grey, yellowish or brown mineral. It is composed of magnesium carbonate. Most magnesite beads are dyed (usually mislabeled as turquoise or howlite). This doesn't affect the healing qualities of the stone. It brings a deep peace when you meditate and perform relaxation exercises. Magnesite brings to the surface all forms of self deceit. It helps to recognise unconscious thoughts and feelings and be able to explore the reasons for these. It creates a positive attitude to life, it helps egotistical people to be able to take a back seat when necessary and teaches you how to actively listen to others. The brain like form of magnesite has a powerful effect on the mind, bringing the hemispheres into harmony and stimulating ideas and their application. It brings a calming effect to the emotions, promoting tolerance for emotional stress. It supports people who are nervous and fearful and helps them to overcome irritability and intolerance. When I was 8 months pregnant, I became attracted to moonstones. and rhodocrosites I have also read somewhere that every woman should have a moonstone with her because it is the crystal that enhances feminine strength. Rhodocrosite was very appealing for me for some reason. According to Moonstone is a stone for “new beginnings”, it is a stone of inner growth and strength. It soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions, providing calmness. It enhances intuition, promotes inspiration, success and good fortune in love and business matters. It stimulates the pineal gland and balances hormonal cycles, being excellent for PMS, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding. Meanwhile according to Rhodochrosite represents compassion, selfless love and loving awareness. Expanding one's consciousness it integrate the spiritual and material realms. This is in excellent stone for healing of the heart and relationships; specifically for those who feel unloved, and those who healing from sexual abuse. A few weeks before I gave birth, I ordered an orgonite from This design is what they called "The Child Within" which is made with rose quartz, green aventurine, and clear quartz. It was programmed for emotional healing so that the owner can be assisted in moving forward easier in life. About Orgonites An Orgone Energy Device (OED) more popularly known as "Orgonite", is a powerful mixture of resin, metal shavings, healing crystals, and the purest of intentions by the steady hands who make each one of them with so much love and spirituality. It is a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly-efficient energy transmutation device that draws in negative life energy and transmutes it to positive energy. The resin shrinks during the curing process, permanently squeezing the crystals inside thereby releasing their energies at increased rates. An Orgonite does not need to be cleansed nor charged/activated, simply because such actions are accomplished automatically and nonstop by the constant flow of positive orgone energy in and out of it. An orgonite absorbs negative energies in our auras and surroundings and convert them to positive beneficial energies. People wearing orgonites or those who keep orgonites in their living spaces notice that negative situations and feelings don't linger for long. We are still human and will still have bad situations time and again, but it will be so noticeable that these unpleasantness easily leave or that solutions are easier to come by. Orgonites are not magic wands. They don't create miracles in a snap. Relationships heal when orgonites are around. Friction and tension, irritability and anger are easier to manage. About my Spiritual Belief I believe in the Christian Faith: in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Some people may think that the concept of crystal healing is some sort of pseudo-science or paganism, but for me, I view healing crystals as minerals that are gift from our Creator, the Lord God. These are tools that can be used for the greater good, they are not to be prayed upon like Gods. I don't believe in praying straight to the crystals as if they alone are the miracle workers, however, I believe in praying to God to use the healing crystals as tools for assisting me in energy work because, science 101, we are all basically made up of energy: our bodies and even our thoughts. p.s. I am NOT forcing my beliefs on anyone. I love sharing my love of crystals to others: if it positively affects them then great, I am inspired to post more whenever people message me that they get a good feeling whenever I share photos of crystals. For those who do not believe in such things, I will respect your opinion alright but just please don't force your ideas on me. Okay? Love and light everyone! God bless us all!
KrishEELA RaiFounder of Astral Crystals. Archives
June 2022