Astral Crystals is founded by Krisheela Rai. She is a Reiki Master-Teacher professionally trained in the Usui, Kundalini, Karuna Ki, and Crystal Reiki systems. She was certified as an Advanced Tarot Consultant, Seraphim Blueprint Level 6 Practitioner, and Intuitive Awakenings Learning Mentor in Mysterium PH. She is also an Akashic Soul Reading & Healing Teacher, Angelic Healing Practitioner, Humanistic and Esoteric Astrologer, and a Life & Dating Coach. Her background as a married woman and a mom of 3, as well as her experience in professional fashion and commercial modeling, fashion designer, beauty blogger, and a modeling teacher to children and preteens, allows her to give more than just spiritual advice but also personality development and marriage tips! USUI REIKI LEVEL 1 & 2 ONLINE CLASSES WHAT IS REIKI? Reiki is a Japanese spiritual healing modality that allows you to heal the self and others through the laying-on of hands. Learning how to access the Universal Life Force Energy surely has lots of benefits! It is being used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances. REIKI LEVEL 1 This class will discuss the chakra system, the history and spiritual aspects of Reiki for inner work and enlightenment. You will learn how to do energy healing by the laying of hands on or near the body to reduce stress, lessen pain, promote faster recovery, and complement other types of therapy. You can use it for yourself, other people, animals, and plants. You will also learn how to establish a protective shield, perform energy clearing and cleansing to items; and charge your crystals, water, and many more! REIKI LEVEL 2 This class is for the people who have completed the Usui Reiki Level 1 workshop. You will be attuned to the Reiki symbols that will allow you to perform distant energy healing, remote space clearing, and past lives viewing. You will learn several techniques that I will teach live on how to use aspects of Reiki energy to heal the past, clear unwanted habits, and manifest your goals amongst many others. INCLUSIONS OF THE CLASS: You will receive Reiki Attunement, Digital Manual, and Reiki Certificate. Send me a message to join! Click the link/s below: Facebook: Astral Crystals Instagram: @astral.crystals ENERGY HEALING SERVICESWhat is Reiki? Reiki is a form of “energy healing” modality by the laying on of hands. It is form of spiritual healing and practice used for the treatment of physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional diseases. It connects with the force of unconditional love, which transcends time and space - it promotes positive living and compassion. What is Violet Flame Alchemy? The Violet Flame is a miraculous spiritual energy. It corresponds to the high frequency of violet light. It helps accelerate or enhance one's spiritual development. It transmutes the negative energy into positive & restores your energy field. What is Seraphim Healing? Seraphim Healing is a form of Angel therapy that works with an individual’s soul, empowering and returning them to who they truly are ~ a perfect divine being. The seraphim angels will use the cosmic diamond white ascension flame during the session. They blaze it in through and around you, the client, transforming and transmuting any lower thoughts, feelings and energy into pure love and light. They can absorb toxins from our bodies, mind and emotions and they leave behind purity. How Does Distant Energy Healing Work? Distant Reiki knows no bounds of time or space. It can be directed through time and space, much like electricity. Reiki is precisely directed energy. A distance session works the same energy-wise as an in-person session except that the person receiving Energy Healing is not in the same room. In your distance session, it is the practitioner’s focus and intent to send the energy to you, and your willingness to receive it, that makes it work. Our Single Distance Session is appropriate for anyone in any location around the world. Choose a time when you will be relaxed and uninterrupted so that you can best receive COSMIC CELESTIAL INTEGRATED ENERGY HEALING. You can lie down or sit. Done via a videocall. What are the Other Benefits? 1) Physical Healing - Reiki helps the physical body heal faster by removing energy debris left in the person's auric field, to lessen the physical pain such as headache, stomach ache, menstrual cramps, etc. 2) Chakra Cleansing, Healing, and Balancing - Each person has seven chakras, the concentrated energy centres in the body. When these chakras are not balanced, it can cause disharmony in our energy making us feel weak, irritable, and unproductive. Reiki helps in removing stagnant energies and emotional blockages. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS. 3) Inner Child Healing and Shadow Work - Healing your inner child focuses on uncovering and releasing the causes for the childlike aspects of your personality, so you can react to challenges in your adult life as an adult, rather than a kid. The good news: healing your inner child can feel a lot like self-care! Karuna Ki Reiki and Kundalini Reiki helps to reinforce and support positive behavioral changes while healing the emotions attached to a negative memory. Disclaimer: Reiki sessions are not a substitute for medical diagnosis and treatment. People with serious conditions should still consult their doctor and follow their advice.
Why Do We Need To Program Our Healing Crystals? Crystals are programmable and they can absorb and boost energies. Just as crystals can absorb and emit positive energies to you, it could also absorb negative energies and release that into your environment if it is not properly cleansed and programmed. This is exactly the reason why people should be mindful on where they buy their crystals. Are they properly energetically cleansed? What kind of programming did the seller put into that crystal? It is ideal that every crystal seller put an effort in doing all these steps to the crystals that they are selling, but what if they are not? A crystal that holds negative energy can make you feel bad, irritable, angry, and down. CARTOMANCY SERVICES
4) Major Arcana Tarot Tableau Spread 1 hour consultation This is a General Reading wherein "the cards will speak for you". The Major Arcana Tarot Tableau will tackle: a) past, present, and future influences and possibilities; b) your four major life pins that made you who you are; c) your spiritual and material situation and concerns; d) the 2 major challenges that you will face within the year; e) the solutions in how you can fix the problem. What it CAN answer? General questions such as: "how is my career, how is my love life, how is my mother, and the likes". What it CANNOT answer? Specific questions such as: Which is a better place to live in: Manila or province? When will I be able to buy my next house? What does my future girlfriend look like? and the likes... 5) 1-Year Tarot Forecast / Annual Reading with Life, Love, and Marriage Coaching Consultation 2 hours Is it your birthday? Treat yourself to a one-year/ 12-month forecast reading! This VERY COMPREHENSIVE reading is also great to have done during the New Year! In this reading, all the 78 cards in the Rider-Waite deck will be used to assess your life theme and the situations that you will face for every quarter of 1 year. This can be done anytime of the year as well and will give future possibilities that may happen to you in a span of 12 months. Topics that will be discussed will be: love & relationships, money & career, challenges & problems, major events, and future possibilities. No questions needed as the cards will "speak for yourself". ASTROLOGY READINGSWestern Astrology Astrology is an ancient science that studies the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies which tells you how the planets and stars affect your life. Birth details such as time, date, and place should be given. 1) Advanced Astro-Alchemy Birth Chart Reading (90-minute Live one-on-one consultation via Zoom) This All-in-One Reading includes explanation of all the 2 Luminaries, the 8 Planetary Placements, Zodiac Rulerships, Financial and Business Analysis, Aspects Analysis, Life Path Analysis, Karmic Analysis, Asteroids Analysis, Ancestral Analysis, Spiritual Gifts Analysis, Career Path Analysis, and many more. Guidance on how to rise above the limitations in your birth chart will also be discussed and given during the reading. A Natal Chart, also known as the Birth Chart, shows the life theme of the person, the cards that they are dealt with in this lifetime. It shows what energies a person might attract in his/her life. Having your natal chart interpreted gives you an excellent psychological portrait and provides a basis from which you can grow in all areas of life. It is a great therapeutic modality to use if you're looking for a precise, poetic, and fun way to examine your relationships, aspirations, natural gifts and challenges, and the unique layers of identity that are you. Things that could be interpreted in your natal chart might have had already happened in the past, it could also be happening right now, or maybe in the far future. Note: your free will and decision-making will always affect the outcome of your life. 2) Transit Chart Reading + Life Advice 1 hr Live Consultation via Zoom This reading is empowering and can put you on the right track. You will understand what needs to change and what shouldn’t. Timing is everything and transits can show you the best windows in time for taking future steps. The natal chart is a blueprint of the moment when you took the first breath, and the influences of the stars at that time. In transit chart reading, we will be analyzing the current planetary transit and how it affects your birth chart. The planets continue to move and in that process they stand in different angles to where they were at birth. This movement of the stars has an impact on your life presently and can be used to anticipate future outcomes. You may ask questions like: “What will happen to me on the month of the bar exam?” “What will be the opposing energies that could block me in this month?” "Should I get married at this date?" "Should I buy a house or start a new job this month?" For this session, you may tell a specific date or month related to your concerns. We will discuss how the transit during that time will affect you. 3) Advanced Relationship & Compatibility Synastry and Composite Charts Consultation 2 hrs Live Session via Zoom Relationship astrology readings are all you'll ever need to totally figure out what your relationship is all about, destiny, longevity, karma, & soul mates. You got an edge if you know who you are dealing with! Synastry and Composite Difference The difference is that in Synastry Chart, it shows you how two people interact and affect each other, what triggers them and which aspect of they interact more. “Synastry” refers to the astrological study of relationships. A synastry chart or “chart comparison” is when you check how one person’s planets relate to another person’s and interpret what you find. Synastry will show the interaction between two people. How the interaction plays will depend on the choices the people make. A composite chart is merging the two charts, to come up with a chart of their relationship. It talks about the relationship itself as a different entity. The Composite Chart gives information about the relationship itself. It tells it’s purpose and it’s qualities. Is the union happy? Stable? Erratic? NOTE: This is a VERY comprehensive reading. Highly recommend for: -Engaged couples to be married; - Potential business partners who will be dealing with contracts, commitments, and other projects together; - For lovers and married couples to understand your love language, and how to overcome relationship blockages and triggers; - For friends and enemies, to know if you can trust them - or not! 4) Solar Return Birthday Transit Chart Reading 1 hour Live Online Consultation via Zoom Find out what planetary energies are gonna be influencing your life starting on your birthday until the next! In this session, we will be analyzing the general theme of your life for the next 12-months. Your solar return chart will be compared to current aspects affecting your natal chart to provide you with a detailed written report including the challenges you will face and the opportunities available beginning at your birthday up until your birthday the following year. Based on your birth date, location, and time of birth, and the location of your most recent birthday, I can tell you all about your year to come. This includes your mood, sex life, career, children, creativity, family, inspiration, relationships, health, social life, introspection, love, money and more! What you will need: Your Date of Birth, Exact time of birth, Location, and the city you were in on your most recent birthday. AKASHIC RECORDS READING Akashic Soul Reading w/ Past Life Healing (Psychic Visions, Tarot & Oracle Reading, Past Life Healing, Life Advice) 1.5 hour session What is the Akashic Records? Akashic records is your Book of Life. It is located in the Akashic Library that holds the vibrational energy of all living things in the Universe. This energy contains information from the past incarnations, present lifetime, and future reincarnations. Do you ever wonder who you might have been in a past life? If you're feeling unlike your usual self, or a certain emotion, skill, or interest is heightened, you could be channeling the energy of someone who you used to be in a distant past life. We are souls reincarnated for many, many times. Our past lives are etched into our soul's DNA and remains with each incarnation through quantum entanglement. About Past Life Reading This service lets you know about 1-3 (or more) past lives of yours that will help and guide you in your present life. I will access it from your Akashic Records, wherein the significant past life will be shown while I am meditating. The scenes will be played in my visions similar to how it looks like on the movie screen. I will tell you everything that I see, hear, feel, and sense at the moment. Afterwards, I will do tarot and oracle reading that will provide more details and deeper understanding for the client. and the lessons that s/he needs to learn, the blockages that s/he needs to release. Karmic Clearing will be done at the end of the session. Benefits of Past Life Reading It would give you a more in-depth understanding of current life challenges. The past often holds the root of our problems. Being aware of past lives events might help you understand and resolve current relationships, begin to untangle emotional problems including phobias and compulsions, and even heal physical complaints. It might explain mysteries in your life and give you a greater sense of peace. Benefits of Past Life Healing Sending healing energies to our past-life self (that we have encountered through this Akashic Soul Reading session) will help one's soul to forgive, to understand what happened to them, and to move forward towards fulfilling their life purpose. By removing some of the karmic debt entanglement/s because of the harmful soul contracts made in past lifetime/s, the soul can be freed in an unhealthy cycle that keeps on happening in their current lives. The session will include: 1. General Assessment 2. Accessing the Akashic Records Meditation 3. Tarot, Oracle, and Pendulum Reading Combo for Evaluation and Advice 4. Karmic Clearing Guided Meditation NOTE: One on one consultations will be done via ZOOM or Facebook Videocall. For the Chat (Text/Photos Only) readings, Instagram or Facebook chat will do. For inquiries and appointment, send me a message at: Facebook - Astral Crystals Instagram - @astral.crystals Disclaimer:
Any information we use/or as part of our services or via this website is for educational and entertainment purposes only, and does not constitute for professional medical, mental, legal financial, and psychological advice. You must be 18 years of age to have a psychic reading and consultation. 17 years old and below will have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. All readings respect client confidentiality. |
KrishEELA RaiFounder of Astral Crystals. Archives
June 2022